Seniors’ Discount Directory

Mobile Navigation

Click the hamburger button, look under “Discount Directory” and click on the Area / Category you wish.

Desktop Navigation

Place your mouse over the “Discount Directory” and then over the area you wish. Then click on the category.

The Grand River Council on Aging is pleased to launch the Seniors’ Discount Directory.  Check out over 250 local discounts in Brantford, Brant County and Six Nations.  Find savings in accommodations, entertainment, restaurants, personal care and more. Convenient print or email options to make sharing with friends and family easy!

Access the Seniors’ Discount Directory at the top menu bar of the home page. When you select the Discount Directory, a drop down menu will allow you to select from discounts in Brantford, Brant County or Six Nations.  When you hover over the directory of your choice, a side menu will appear with the 8 categories of discounts.

Each discount category page has a print option at the top left of the page.  Print one or all of the discount categories in the directory of your choice.

If you are in business, offer a seniors’ discount, and would like to be included, contact