Age Friendly Info Hub

Civic Participation and Employment

An age-friendly community should recognize and fulfill older adults’ desire to contribute their skills in working, volunteering and participating in the political process and be actively engaged in community life.

Political Participation–Municipal (City of Brantford):

Up-to-date information on City Council meetings encourages involvement and learning about your local government or applying to serve on a City board, committee or task force.  CLICK HERE 

Let’s Talk Brantford: The City has unveiled “Let’s Talk Brantford”, an online engagement portal for open public consultation campaigns, making it more convenient for citizens to provide input regarding City programs and services. CLICK HERE

Political Participation–Federal & Provincial:

Local federal and provincial ridings and parties are always looking for volunteers. Websites of your choice describe how you can get involved.

Brantford-Brant Federal Liberal Association – CLICK HERE

Brantford- Brant Provincial Liberal Association – CLICK HERE

Brantford-Brant NDP – CLICK HERE

Brantford-Brant Federal Conservatives – CLICK HERE

Brantford Brant Provincial Conservatives – CLICK HERE

Brantford-Brant Green Party – CLICK HERE


Provincial programs support people who own or want to own their own business. – CLICK HERE

Volunteer Opportunities:

Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentors:  It takes as little as an hour a week to help a child gain the confidence to achieve more. -CLICK HERE

BRAVA:  Brant Regional Association of Volunteer Administrators (BRAVA), an association of community member agencies, supports volunteerism in many areas including health care, education, arts and culture, social services, and faith-based services. – CLICK HERE

City of Brantford:  Volunteers are the heart of our community. The City of Brantford posts all volunteer opportunities. – CLICK HERE

County of Brant:  Brant County actively promotes volunteer options in the county. – CLICK HERE

Grand River Council on Aging: The GRCOA is a volunteer supported non-profit charity that promotes the voice of elders. – CLICK HERE

Neighbourhood Associations: The City of Brantford, recognizing that residents want to offer support to their neighbours, posts opportunities local to neighbourhoods. – CLICK HERE

Newcomer Gateway:  The Workforce Planning Board designed this tool to make it easier for newcomers to find workforce-related resources and services in the Grand Erie region, including: information on settling in Canada; finding jobs and job training; ESL classes; community supports; how to start a business; and more. – CLICK HERE